happy new year to all my lovely customers! I have an exciting year ahead now with my art. I have reached out to a few places and have some great news. I will be exhibiting at Insole Court during September through till beginning of November and I am working with the coordinator at Llandough Hospital gallery to hold an exhibition there near the entrance to the hospital very soon, watch this space!
I am busy working in care at the moment at weekends and being a full time mother during the week so juggling my art in the days and evenings. I am working on a few commissions at the moment and then I will begin work to go towards the exhibitions and Craftfolk events I will be attending throughout the year.
My glass chopping boards have gone down well and I will be bringing those along to events through out the year for preorder. photo attached any orders please message me direct.
happy January everyone, will update shortly but always welcome to follow me on Instagram Artrachelhannah or Facebook Rachel Hannah Art x